
Year-End Schedule

On Behalf of Office of the General Counsel

With the year-end holidays upon us again, we want to be sure we’re able to complete our reviews and respond to your inquiries while work schedules will be altered over the next month.

In order to do so, we would appreciate receiving all contracts you need approved by January 1st here in our office by Wednesday, December 18th.

Once again, it’s been a pleasure working with all of you this year and we wish you a joyous holiday season!

NewsFlash Vol. 1


Welcome to the first edition of the University Business Services NewsFlash. In an effort to share accolades on key accomplishments the University has achieved, provide information on upcoming events, share upcoming programmatic changes, and announce staffing updates that have occurred throughout the year, University Business Services (UBS) will be issuing a quarterly newsletter to keep you, our valued campus customer, informed as to how our organization strives to exceed your business needs. Read the complete NewsFlash newsletter.

Liquid Helium Shortage

Due to the current helium shortage, our primary contracted supplier, AirGas, notified UConn our allocation of liquid helium will be reduced, and a price increase of 30% will take affect November 1st.  Based upon our known and understood demand requirements, this allocable amount will not sufficiently meet current research needs.   Continue reading

The USDP’s Latest U-Diversity Initiative

Supplier Diversity Training SlideCourse Audience Slide

eLearning – “Embracing Supplier Diversity at UConn”

The USDP has developed an e-learning course to inform our communities about the University’s commitment and expectations regarding supplier diversity and inclusion on our UConn campuses and at UConn Health.​

It is intended that through the course, you will come to understand the importance of partnering with the USDP efforts to increase S/MBE participation in our procurement processes.

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“Cutting the Red Tape” Procurement Procedures Go Into Effect for CY18

On June 30, 2017, the Governor signed Public Act 17-130, dubbed the “Cutting the Red Tape” legislation.  One purpose of the legislation was to make it easier for UConn to make three types of purchases: “Overseas Purchases,” “Outside Funds Purchases,” and “Collaboration Contract Purchases.” Information about these purchases and the associated policies and procedures is available on Procurement’s “Cutting the Red Tape” webpage.

Introducing SMBeConnect

SMBe Connect

UConn's SMBeConnect Tool

UConn Procurement Services has launched a new SMBeConnect tool on our Supplier Diversity (USDP) website. It is designed, primarily, to assist small/minority business enterprises (S/MBEs) seeking to conduct business here at the University, by connecting them directly with the buying team responsible for managing their particular commodity(ies).

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Fraudulent Toner Activity Alert

Procurement Services has recently been made aware of fraudulent activity relating to the “alleged” purchase of toner, printing supplies and/or service.  It appears that someone has been calling departments on campus to discuss a “placed” order and seeking to verify address delivery information.   Please be advised that this is fraudulent and you should not provide such requested information.    Continue reading