Faculty, staff and researchers who cannot do their jobs from home and are approved by a department head or dean can submit requests through online web forms for face masks, hand sanitizer, pre-packaged disinfectant spray with paper towels and gloves through University Business Services. Other PPE can also be obtained during the normal procurement process through HuskyBuy. The provisions apply to employees at the Storrs and regional campuses, along with the agricultural extension offices.  For additional information please visit :


COVID-19 Surplus Store Update

Given the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and the directive from both Governor Lamont and President Katsouleas to practice social distancing and limit large group interaction, the University’s Public Surplus Store is cancelled until further notice.  We apologize for any inconvenience, but believe that it is in the best interest of all of our community customers to ensure that everyone remains safe and healthy.  We will reopen the Public Store once it is safe to do so.   In the meantime, please feel free to check our website for updates.

COVID-19 Travel Update

Governor Lamont sent executive branch agency heads a directive designed to help prevent and delay COVID-19 in Connecticut, including freezing employee travel on state business.

University-Sponsored Travel Outside of Connecticut is Suspended: Though not an executive branch agency, UConn wishes to act in keeping with the governor’s goals. Effective immediately, all domestic and international, university-sponsored travel outside of the state by faculty and staff is suspended until further notice. Any exception needs to be approved by university leadership. Continue reading

Urgent Update for International Travelers

As you may be aware, there is an ongoing outbreak of a respiratory illness commonly named the coronavirus – COVID-19.  This development is rapidly evolving. As such, travelers are urged to closely monitor and for important information.

Travelers are reminded to complete the travel waiver for travel to countries/regions which have been listed as level 3 or 4 by the U. S. Department of State.

W.B. Mason on HuskyBuy!

Huskybuy Logo

WB Mason logo

We are excited to announce that W.B. Mason will be joining our team of office supply vendors!

W.B. Mason will provide UConn with competitive pricing, exceptional customer service, and fast & free delivery on all of their office supply products. Take advantage of their product offerings through their on-line catalog, which is anticipated to go live in HuskyBuy on Monday, March 2, 2020.

With W.B. Mason, you can expect:

  • Free Desktop Delivery by uniformed W.B. Mason drivers
  • No order minimums
  • A dedicated customer support team located in CT

W.B. Mason Flyer

Interim Assoc Vice President of University Business Services


On Behalf of the Office of the EVPACFO

I am pleased to appoint Greg Daniels, JD as interim Associate Vice President of University Business Services. Greg currently serves as Director of Procurement Contracts and Compliance. In this role, he is responsible for all contracting at the University – a role that has uniquely qualified him to serve as interim AVP. He is also an attorney with many years of experience in state government and the CSCU system. I look forward to working with Greg, and trust that University Business Services will continue to provide a high level of customer service, value to the University, and compliance.

Scott A. Jordan

Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer
For more information, contact: Office of the EVPACFO at

North Carolina and Mississippi Travel Ban Update

Governor Malloy issued Executive Orders which remain in effect and ban travel to North Carolina and Mississippi using state funds except in limited circumstances.  To travel to these states, pre-approval is still required. Travel without pre-approval may result in the traveler being denied reimbursement.

At Storrs, the regional campuses and the law school, requests for travel to North Carolina or Mississippi, no matter the source of funds, should be submitted to the Director of Procurement Services (John Clifford) via email at  for review. Continue reading

Year-End Schedule

On Behalf of Office of the General Counsel

With the year-end holidays upon us again, we want to be sure we’re able to complete our reviews and respond to your inquiries while work schedules will be altered over the next month.

In order to do so, we would appreciate receiving all contracts you need approved by January 1st here in our office by Wednesday, December 18th.

Once again, it’s been a pleasure working with all of you this year and we wish you a joyous holiday season!

NewsFlash Vol. 1


Welcome to the first edition of the University Business Services NewsFlash. In an effort to share accolades on key accomplishments the University has achieved, provide information on upcoming events, share upcoming programmatic changes, and announce staffing updates that have occurred throughout the year, University Business Services (UBS) will be issuing a quarterly newsletter to keep you, our valued campus customer, informed as to how our organization strives to exceed your business needs. Read the complete NewsFlash newsletter.